An objectives based Milsim event hosted by the Manx Airsoft Club. Players will be expected to adhere to mission specific requirements, such as ammo restrictions, camo restraints and team organisation structure.

These events are NOT for your everyday airsofter or skirmisher and will require a higher level of motivation, aptitude and focus. For general airsoft play please attend a regular game day.

This event is 18+ and only available to regular players at the Manx Airsoft Club.


***Currently closed for booking****

All payments are eligible for refund up to 48 hours before the event. If you require a refund please contact us at for assistance.


Manx Airsoft Club, Bridge End Road, Jurby, Isle of Man.
See Google Maps link Here


**See calendar for scheduled events**
Site open: 10:00
Safety & Commanders brief: 10:45
Game start: 11:00
Afternoon break: 13:30
Endex: 16:00

We will not be delaying the game start for any reason, if you arrive late you will be required to wait until fully briefed before entering the game zone and may be allocated randomly to a team for balancing purposes. Pays to be on time!


NATO, western styles major military organisation themed faction.

  • Multicam/Multicam Arid
  • US Tri-Colour
  • Desert Tigerstripe
  • AOR1/Desert MARPAT
  • Desert DPM
  • Tan/Coyote Brown/Sand

*Camo restrictions do not include gear, just clothing.

Frequency 449.3125 (MAC1)
Frequency 458.8250 (MAC7 Marshal) – Team Commander only


Militia, eastern Europe and terrorist themed faction.

  • Multicam Black/Multicam Tropic
  • US Woodland
  • Tigerstipe
  • DPM
  • Woodland MARPAT
  • Ranger Green/Black/Olive Drab

*Camo restrictions do not include gear, just clothing.

Frequency 458.7875 (MAC4)
Frequency 458.8250 (MAC7 Marshal) – Team Commander only


  • Team commanders will be issued intel packets at the start of each mission with objective locations and times of activation and end. It will be up to the team commander to co-ordinate their team to execute those taskings.
  • There will be no dedicated (hi-vis) marshals for these games. Players are expected to coordinate themselves appropriately.
  • No arm bands will be used to denote factions, you will need to be aware of who is on your team and use communication to PID who is friend/foe.
    • We recommend using camo requirements to mitigate this.
  • Each Faction will consist of a minimum of 5 players to a maximum of 20 players.
  • Each faction will have one Team Commander (IC) and controls all teams within the faction.
  • Each team of 5 must have a Squad Leader (2IC).
  • Each team of 5 will be allowed 1X Machine Gunner.
  • Each team of 5 will be allowed 1X Specialist.
  • Each team of 5 can designate a Combat Medic, however they cannot be the Team Leader, Squad Leader or Light Machine Gunner
  • Each faction (not team) is allowed to operate a maximum of two Snipers working as a pair.
  • Comms will NOT be mandatory but are highly recommended. The exception to this is each Squad Leader must have comms with the Team Commander, the Team Commander must have comms with the mission staff (callsign ZERO).
  • A rolling objective will be the capture and interrogation of Team Commanders. If a team commander is captured and held at a predetermined point for 15 minutes, bonus points will be allocated. This can happen an unlimited amount of times throughout the mission.
  • Bonus objectives will be scatted around the AO. These will not yield any bonus points but may help in securing future objectives or taskings.


  • You must use where possible magazine capacities that are equal to the real world counterpart (M4/AK mags at 30rds, P90 mags at 50rds etc).
  • Not all mags are exact to their real world counterpart, a discrepancy of +/- 5% is within acceptable tolerance.
  • Riflemen are restricted to 300rds of loaded ammo for their primary weapon system and 60rds of loaded ammo for their secondary.
  • Combat Medics are restricted to 300rds of loaded ammo for their primary weapon system and 60rds of loaded ammo for their secondary.
  • Light Machine Gunners are restricted to 5000rds of loaded ammo for their primary weapon system and 60rds of loaded ammo for their secondary.
  • Specialists are restricted to 200rds of loaded ammo for their primary weapon and 60rd of loaded ammo for their secondary.
    Additionally either 6rds of explosive weapon munitions and launcher or alternatively a shotgun with 90rds can be carried
  • Designated Marksman/Snipers are restricted to 100rds of loaded ammo for their primary weapon system and 60rds of loaded ammo for their secondary.
  • The secondary weapon must be a pistol, no SMGs or shotguns can be used for all players.
    • Unless they are a Dedicated Marksman/Sniper in which SMGs and PDWs are permitted, capped at 3 magazines and no pistol permitted).
  • Full-auto pistols are permitted but no extended magazines or HPA modifications are permitted.
  • All players are limited to 2rds of hand thrown grenades only.


  • All players will be issued 3 bandages for each mission
  • On the first hit a player can self-aid and administer their first bandage
    • You cannot self aid within 5 meters of live enemy.
  • On the second and third hit a plyer can only be bandaged and revived by a Combat Medic
  • On a fourth hit the player must return to the designated respawn point
  • Combat medics can self revive on all 3 personal bandages.
  • If you are not revived within 3 minutes, you are said to have bled out and must return to the staging point for your faction and your bandages will be reset to your starting count.
  • On a fatal wounding, incurred by explosive munitions, the player must return to the designated respawn point.
    • Explosive munitions counts as grenades, mortars, airstrikes, landmines etc.
  • A hit on either your primary, secondary or support weaponry is counted as a hit. There is no gun hit rule in use.


Enhanced ROEthe use of deadly force in which to neutralize a threat to yourself, your unit/detachment or civilian populace.
Restricted ROE – the use of excessive force, both physically and verbally, but not deadly, to detain a suspected individual for intelligence purposes.


Apply the ‘Three V’s’ policy, enhanced ROE authorised if one or more individuals meets the aforementioned criteria:

  • Visible threat;
    • Visible weapon systems
    • Militaristic equipment
    • Radio communications equipment
  • Verbal/physical threat;
    • Aggressive verbal threats
    • Physical threat to safety whilst no visual identifiers encountered
  • Vehicular;
    • Moving vehicle(s) into close proximity (<50m) after warning
    • Closing at speed after warning

Otherwise restricted ROE is to be applied in all circumstances.


Whilst ROE is not generally enforced for OPFOR combatants, the following rules will apply;

  • Cannot engage same faction or civilian elements (unless identified and designated hostile by Faction commander)
  • Can engage any and all  opposing military forces;
    • Visible weapon systems
    • Militaristic equipment & uniforms
    • Radio communications equipment

Enhanced ROE is permitted in predetermined combatant locations for both factions within the AO, identified as ’Red Zones’ and clarified below;

  • Omega Township
  • Mortar Site
  • Forward Operating Base

Walk on fee: £10.00
Payments can be made by PayPal using the booking form above.

There is no kit hire available for Battle Series events.

Site shop will open between gameplay (see above timings). Pyrotechnics use will be assessed on the day and clarified in the safety brief.